Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing is periodical publishing of Russian Academy of Sciences.


Aim and scope

The Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing offers current research on the theory and technology of nondestructive testing of materials and components; describes laboratory and industrial investigations of devices and instrumentation and provides reviews of new equipment developed for series manufacture. Articles cover all physical methods of nondestructive testing, including ultrasonic, eddy current, magnetic and electrical, X-ray and y-ray and other.

Journal indexed in

Science Citation Index Expanded (WoS), SCOPUS, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, INSPEC, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Google Scholar, EBSCO Discovery Service, CSA, Academic OneFile, Academic Search, ChemWeb, CSA Environmental Sciences, Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology, Earthquake Engineering Abstracts, EI-Compendex, Gale, INIS Atomindex, OCLC, SCImago, Summon by ProQuest.


 Rules for publication of articles

1. The Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing takes for publishing only original papers on different methods and instrumentation for nondestructive testing.

2. Prepare your manuscript following the 'Guidelines' on The text of manuscript has to be concise and clear written in English. The title and abstract should be free from abbreviations.

3. Add file with translation in Russian title and abstract of manuscript.

4. Fill copyright transfer agreement in English language ( The copyright transfer agreement should be send as a digital copy of the original. The copyright transfer agreement should be filled out using MS Word or hand-printed and signed by all authors (coauthors and copyright holders).

The editorial board of RJNDT do not accept manuscripts without copyright transfer agreements.

5. Send manuscript and other documents as PDF attachments via e-mail directly to the


Dear authors!

We inform you that in 2017 and 2018 article by foreign authors, which will be sent to the editor of the journal both in English and Russian languages, will be have an advantage in publishing deadline. Prerequisites: positive appreciations from our reviewers and high quality of English and Russian texts.


To increase readership and improve the citation indices of your article, you can publish it in Open Access mode in an English-language journal issued by Pleaides Publishing. Instead of a reader paying an access fee to read your article, Open Access articles are available free of charge for everybody worldwide. Unrestricted access allows many more readers and scientists to study and appreciate your research output.

At Pleiades Publishing, all Open Access publications are subject to mandatory peer review and pass through all stages of the editorial process. Similar to all other articles in our journals, Open Access articles are posted on the same SpringerLink platform (hosted by our distribution partner Springer Nature) as ordinary articles but marked Open Access.

To publish your article in Open Access, you should prepare and submit your application to The application must include:

  1. The title of the journal to which you are submitting your article.
  2. The sponsor of your research.
  3. The funding source for Open Access publication (the name and details of the organization that will be the signatory to the agreement about covering the article processing charge (APC)).
  4. The contact details of the author who will coordinate the publication process.



The editorial board reminds that the Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing publishes only new original works, which contain significant scientific and technical achievements and which cannot be found in other sources. We inform you that we check all incoming articles for plagiarism. Moreover, we check all incoming articles for content of significant quantity of already published data. The authors, which make such violations, will lost further cooperation with our journal.

The development of neural network technology and their active application for the recognition of complex graphic data and video images is useful direction of improving of nondestructive testing. However, some articles do not contain fundamental novelty, they do not describe new physical phenomena and do not analyze the physical mechanisms that underlie the monitoring and diagnostics of materials and products. The main profile of the RJNDT is enhancement of physical basis of methods and means of non-destructive testing and diagnostics. We ask authors to more carefully approach the choice of theme of their investigations. Your articles should include experimental data which you received using of neural network technology.